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Monday, October 23, 2006

Tai Chi Twins

I thought all the hippies lived in Boulder...

A good way to spend a Sunday, particularly by good or manageable weather, is to go for a walk. Could be a walk, could be a hike. I always go up Loretto Hill, past the tower and the mini castle and the cafe. I was hoping to catch the autumn leaves and wasn't disappointed, though the leaves are not yet in full regalia. Coming around the corner I came to a T. At the crossroads stood a couple, late middle-aged (whatever exactly that means), doing tai chi. In unison they slowly turned, extended, retracted, looks of peace and concentration on their respective faces. They picked a point in the trail where you could see out over the valley. I can understand why. I didn't say hi, not wanting to disturb them, and continued on.

After awhile I'd had enough and was beginning to get hungry, so I turned to head for home and took a different path down than I had taken to get up. At some point I came across one of the two tai chiers, the man, ponytail of silver hair contrasting comically with his spandex shorts and running shoes. He was grubbing around in the ditch--searching for mushrooms, I think. Anyways, he passed me again, taking off downhill at a jog. My knees wouldn't have appreciated that, so more power to him if he can do that.

Coming around a bend I found them again, the two of them, standing in the middle of the tail, tai chiing. Again, a beautiful spot. Made me wonder, though, why they kept moving. Is this tai chi on the go? I suppose there are stranger things out there than a mobile tai chi duo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certainly a beautiful way to enjoy an autumn afternoon. I could skip the mushroom-hunting, but the rest of what they were doing sounds divine. Tai Chi is wonderful exercise. :) mom