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Monday, July 07, 2008

....and why are you here??

I've enjoyed being the foreigner again, rather than "just another american", or, as it is more likely consciously put, "just like everyone else". Here I am "the" american, and if a qualifier is necessary, I am "the" american who speaks Germans well. I'm quite confident it is the sole reason they invite me to parties and dinner and such--there has to be SOME reason why people put up with me. Not to make fun of my Germany, but to rather be surprised by the random words I happen to know. It becomes a kind of game, to see if they can throw some word at me and I can come up with the english equivalent. Or a battle of aphorisms, to see who can come up with the most proverbs in a row, in a singular non sequiteur:

Me: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
Them: "oh yeah? well, the early bird gets the worm"
Me: "yes, but a penny saved is a penny earned"
Them: "absence makes the heart grow fonder"
Me: "all bark and no bite"
Them: "as much use as a handbrake on a canoe"

I usually lose. I don't have a quarter century's experience in collecting curiously coined phrases pertaining to time-honored wise-cracks. Usually I come up with something utterly bizarre which, while technically an expression in the German language, is so obscure and outdated that one might, perhaps, a very long time ago under barely memorable circumstances, have heard it from one's grandmother. Which makes it therefore hilarous coming from a 20-something American.

Then there are my "legendary" language mix-ups. I once tried to execute (as in, death penalty) a bit of mobile shelving (I wasn't even angry; the word I was looking for was to "erect" the shelving, which is unfortunately closely related). I told someone that there were condoms in my marmalade (preservatives are things used in jams and jellies, but Preservativen are condoms in German; Konsivierungsstoffe are used in German jam. Oops. There are probably dodgy jokes that may be made of this.

Anyways, I am flying to Spain tomorrow and coming back to good ol Germany by way of Belgium and Holland, where I've never been but where it rains a lot and I hear they have smashing chocolate. Oh, and it rains. The bikes are nice, too. And sometimes it rains. So in order to make myself familiar with the netherlands, I youtubed around and ended up with....this:

To those of you familiar with Dutch camping vans on the Autobahn:

And I wanted to write more, but instead I ended up watching youtube videos about Fernando Torres, whom I swear I am going to marry if I can ever meet. ANYways... saluto et goodnight.

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