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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hindsight and Forsight

It's strange to think that in about a month, I will have graduated from college. I'll be "done" (except for the part where I'm going to grad school, but whatever), will have gotten my degree in hoop-jumping, international affairs and German. I'm planning a(nother) big move, but with no expectation that this place will look anything like how I left it when/if I return. I'm pretty sure facebook will be my sole contact with a lot of people for the foreseeable future. But this is also the time when a lot of people move on, and even if I weren't moving it still wouldn't be the same. And I'm looking forward to life beyond college as I know it, though I will probably look back later and wonder why I hurried.

Things I regret:
- not having started more things sooner. The best part of my college experience for me has been my friends and activities, and many/most of my friends are from my activities. Why did I wait till now to start tango? Why didn't I do all of these other cool things on offer?
- not having been in officer in clubs / not having been here for two consecutive years. I think I would've done a good job and had a great time.
- some of my specific class choices. Philosophy of Science and Math for Econ come to mind.
- not having learned to let a little loose a little sooner. My first year at CU, I was as goody-two-shoes as they come. I'm still goody-two-shoes, except when I go barefoot, but I can also not take myself quite so seriously. Lesson for life.

Things I don't regret:
- not having lived in the dorms. That would have just made me angry, I'm pretty sure of this.
- my honor's thesis. The thing is a beast and took over my life for four months, but in the end I produced something huge that almost no one will read. But I learned a ton, and am proud of having finished it.

My favorite things:
- MUN. It's been my anchor, what most of my friends do, and has allowed me the incredible experiences of going to conferences.
- my year abroad. It was an amazing year, and a) thanks to the university people and my respective departments, it allowed me to get ahead in my studies, and b) thanks to my friends and family I had something to come back to, which I hadn't been expecting
- my job. I met and meet a ton of interesting people and get to know a lot of interesting people. Plus, it's books, what more can I say? And it's not food, even better. My coworkers and boss are great, so absolutely no complaints.

And I'm off to go pick up my new bike.

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