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Saturday, September 20, 2008


No one told me grad school would be like kindergarten, and all of this was of my own free will so I can't really complain, but I have mostly done nothing today but read, eat, read, read, run, read, and go grocery shopping. And read. If, for some reason, I had to leave my room for some reason I could imagine you would find residual skin left over from where my fingers were glued to my computer. But I actually LIKE this stuff, or else I wouldn't be here, so it's all good.

In other news, I, like every other foreigner, have discovered what I would dare to term a Swiss phenomenon (please correct me, ye Suiss allemands, if this does not pertain to you) to require several passport photos for absolutely everything. I almost feel as if grocery shopping requires several pass photos, which are conveniently available at a passport-photo booth on every other street corner. I have absolutely no idea how many of my pictures are floating around Geneva, but I swear, for some things I've even had to give four or five, in several different sets. Just in case someone wanted to forge my identity at the office of sports, donchaknow...

Apparently there is no such thing in French as Suiss francophone, extrapolated from Suiss allemand (German-speaking Swiss), it's called suiss romande.

Other funny things I or other people have said in French:
-- ,,j'ai une tete ouverte" to which my teacher replied if we really had an "open head" (intending to say 'have an open mind') we would be in the hospital.
-- the words for pear, (bell) pepper, scallions, and (seasoning) pepper are easy to mix up in French.


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