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Monday, September 17, 2007


I didn't go paint boxes this morning. I should have, they could have used me and I didn't have any other plans. Instead, I cancelled, because I didn't deem myself capable of driving there nor of putting in much work.

I got up at dawn, as I do, choking down my breakfast which all of the sudden was making me nauseous. I went back to bed, figuring I was just over-tired and hadn't quite slept enough. I managed about 10 pages of reading and went back to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. I have spent today alternating between sleeping and reading Candide which should have taken me two hours max and instead took me the entire day. I went for a tiny walk which wiped me out, and that is the point where I called in sick on the boxes project. I was thrilled when the nausea subsided somewhat, though the thought of food still makes me want to toss my cookies. A few glasses of watered-down orange juice are all I've had since dawn, and I optimistically cut up a peach in hopes I can get it down.

WebMD and google have failed me; they don't know what I've got, and their top suggestion is side-effects from chemotherapy, which I don't have. I wouldn't call it chronic fatigue, just persistant. It's quite possibly the backlash of all the stress I've been having--my body telling me to take it easy or else. It's good I got as much done yesterday as I did, or else I'd be horribly "in the weeds", a restaurant term for being really f*ing behind and unable to catch up.

The plus side (I take my positives where I can find them) is that I borrowed two DVDs from the library I'd not otherwise have been able to watch, one of which somewhat relates to my honor thesis topic, about the Truth and Reconciliation tribunals in South Africa after apartheid. And the other one is in French, so that counts as studying, doesn't it?

Time to use my wakeful period to get stuff done, 5 pages at a time.....

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