51. Aviator glasses are perhaps one of the best inventions ever. First off, they look cool, if you have enough self-confidence to take the inevitable pilot and police jokes. Secondly, they are reflective, and because they are rather large in circumfrence, this allows you, unobserved, to watch people.
52. People-watching should be a sport. I like to watch people, not just because they are good/bad/strange/scary looking, but also to imagine who they are, where they come from, what they think about. And having large glasses lets me do this without bieng rude, just occasionally creepy. Except I'm far too innocuous and cute to be creepy.
53. One day, I want to be at the top of someone's list.

55. I get irritated when people gush over me, and say, "oh, you speak fabulous/perfect/unaccented German. How did you learn it/were your parents German-speaking/etc." And to tell the truth, I get miffed if I don't. Guess I do have an ego. I guess I appreciate the compliment but hear it alot, and have thus taken it for granted.
56. I have a hard time accepting (respecting?) people who a) smoke--anything, b) vote Republican, c) waste food, or d) eat at McD's. Obviously I've been able to overcome several of these issues, and several of my friends do fall into at least one category, and not just category d.
57. For a student of politics, I know astoundingly limited about the politics of the one country in which I vote. Except for Stephen Colbert's presidential bid (he has my vote!).
59. I consider myself a pragmatist. I don't like to waste time or emotions on things I can't change; wallowing and pity-parties, freak-outs and drama are not my style. Pragmatism is not always possible, however, and I do have both a romantic and an idealistic streak. The romantic, idealistic, and pragmatic parts of me fight pitched battles in the corner. It's why my room looks the way it is.

61. When I was in high school, I wanted to get a tatoo. That was the cool thing to do, and I thought they looked damn spiffing. I'm glad now I didn't somehow get one (no idea how I would have done it, though I know plenty of people who still refuse to wear bating suits in front of my parents). I still like them, find them (in moderation!) attractive on guys and girls, but they are PeRmAnEnT.
62. But: I am a color-within-the-lines person. I follow rules, I take things seriously. I take most things seriously, and because I am so busy taking things seriously I forget how to be spontaneous and fun. That's a shame.
63. I get angry when people write in books, tear or fold corners, or are generally destructive. I was like this even before I started working in the library.
64. Homeless people kind of freak me out, and I don't give money to beggars. I feel bad about it, but haven't decided what I think is "right".

65. I dream of a road bike. One day...
66. I have the embarrassing tendency to sing along with my music. While wearing headphones. In public.
67. I'm a colorado native and can't ski. or snowboard. And I don't like winter much at all.
68. The only bone I've ever broken was my toe, though I did do a superman from a galloping horse once.
69. I can entertain myself for a long time with just a swivel chair.

70. Math should be banned. Or else I should hire my own personal nerd to do my exceptionally easy astronomy homework.
71. I have a weakness for rediculous shoes, particularly high heels.
72. I enjoy making people laugh and smile, and I make the effort to try and get to know people.
73. I'm convinced fashion is just wearing the most outrageous/ugliest/most extreme costume with confidence, and being pretty enough to pull it off.

75. I owe some of my best friends, acquaintences, and experiences to coincidence and accident. Yay for randomness.