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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Things you may or may not know about me.... (part 2)

26. There are three things in life which keep me sane: running, writing, and breakfast. I can even go without the first two for a day or so, but if I don't have breakfast, I'm not a nice person.

27. Having to plonger my clogged toilet regularly is one of the more disgusting things I can think of.

28. There are lots of things that I don't tell anyone, ever, sometimes not even to my closest friends.

29. I used to prefer my cake without frosting, my spaghetti without sauce, and didn't like pizza.

30. I have eaten both rabbit, squirrel, shark, squid, and buffalo, though I am now a vegetarian.

31. I didn't go to either junior or senior prom, and I haven't yet been sorry. I also can't imagine why I should regret that.

32. I've apparently forgotten slang, and talk like a textbook. 'Cool' went out of style long ago, as did 'sick' and 'nice'. And I say things like spiffing, knackered, and cheers.

33. I like being clean but dislike showering, particularly more than once a day. More than twice is just excessive.

34. Wasting time on the internet (such as writing my blog!) is one of my favorite passtimes.

35. The number of people who read or have read this blog always surprises me--I go to tell a story, and someone says, "oh, yeah, I read about that in your blog". I've unfortunately captured the most amusing or interesting elements of my life, which leaves me talking about political theory, weird animal facts, or knock-knock jokes at parites.

36. I only read the comics in the sunday paper.

37. I wish I could go everywhere barefoot, and my dream house is Bag End.

38. I still really want to go to Neuschwanstein, even if it *is* just for tourists.

39. Living in Germany has made my speech more direct, and that sometimes makes me rude by american standards. I have no compunctions asking how much people earn or pay for their apartment, negatively commenting on things I don't like, etc.

40. My friends know me to be indecisive. I would clarify to say that I am deliberately non-decisive, which means I have no particular preference in most cases (or only a very slight preference) and would rather leave the decision-taking up to those who care more. This is not a game or a trick, I really do not have a preference in about 90% of situations. However, when I do have a preference, I say it--and, as my dear R. commented, I tend to insist if I do have a preference.

41. 90% of the time I don't like my hair. 50% of the time I wish it were straight, 30% of the time I wish it were curly, 5% of the time I wish it were a different color, 80% of the time I wish it were longer, 3% of the time I wish I looked good bald, and the fact that these percentages don't add up to 100 reflects both my math skills and my indecision.

42. Leftovers are my favorite :) Seriously, having something super-yummy already made? Priceless.

43. What other people think of my cooking remains a mystery to me, but I almost never (actually, nur twice that I can recall) have made a meal which I, at least, didn't like.

44. I find the conversations written on the walls of the ladies' loos on campzus to be really interesting and often quite insightful. I've heard the men's toilets aren't nearly so philosophical, but somehow I'm not surprised.

45. I really just want only a taste of things, not a portion of my own. Buffets, for this reason, are the best things ever. One sauteed mushroom, one spring roll, one bite ravioli.... I'm big on the smorgesbord approach. And by the way, smorgesbord is Swedish for bread (bord) and butter (smor).

46. As much as I love my car, I prefer not to drive.

47. I couldn't imagine dating anyone unathletic or shorter than me. Strangely enough, I keep dating guys with short, blonde hair, though I find long, dark hair to be quite attractive.

48. I wish I had a cat or a dog, even though that is really impractical now.

49. I try to pick friends who are smarter than I am. A lot of people seemed overwhelmed by my personality, and I have occasional asocial tendencies. Mostly, though, I can get along with most everyone.

50. Sunrise is my favorite time of day.

More later.

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