2. I judge people who use poor grammar.
3. I don't watch TV; actually, I can't stand it. Not only do I think it's stupid (even I need mindlessness sometimes) it just doesn't hold my attention. I sit there flipping channels like a hamster with ADD.
4. I tend to hold grudges, and it takes a lot to get me to forgive what I probably can't forget. Which is related to:
5. Once I get angry, I tend to get really angry and stay angry for days. I would say that 95% of my friends and acquaintences haven't seen me angry, as I try to not let it happen much.

6. I believe that life without music is a waste of time. Thus, my ipod comes with me everywhere, the radio or itunes is always on. Even bad music is preferable to new music, just ask my former roommates.
7. One of my main goals in life is to become fluent in several languages. Two down, several hundred to go.
8. When I was in middle school, I was not a nice person. I used to maliciously tease and torment other kids, for reasons which are now completely unknown to me. And I'm glad I've reformed.

10. I eat food in phases; there was a time when I ate half an avocado a day, every day, for about a month and a half. Recently I have been on a cottage cheese kick, before that was pumpkin. Odd.
11. I love food, and have become quite the snob about it. I refuse to eat fast food, and not just for health reasons.
12. People have compared me to both a kitten and a rabbit. Though I think the former reference referred to my sharp nails I'll prefer to consider it an endearment; the latter refers to my habit of carrying carrots with me wherever I go. PS: carrots are loud and should not be eaten in work or study environments, or else suffer the consequences.

14. I was overweight in high school. It sucked. Being normal makes my life much easier.
15. I think girls who only work out on the elliptical while flipping through Vogue are wimps. Also, girls who spend an hour toning each individual muscle in their bodies in order to have the perfect figure need to get a life and find a real sport, like rowing or competitive knitting or something.
16. I like the fall leaves and the bite in the air, though I pretend I don't as I hate winter.
17. I miss Europe (most of you know this).
18. I keep organic unsulphured apricots and granola in my desk drawer for snacking. Hey, I live in Boulder. More or less.

20. I hate few things more than indifference. Why is it so important to me to feel I exist? Cogito, ergo sum.
21. I like to pretend I'm a wine snob, and talk like I know anything about wine at all.
22. I'm pretty happy about the fact that I don't really fit in with about 80% of my classmates. Luckily, I just hang out with the other 20%.
23. I think all Americans and residents should be required to learn both English and Spanish. Yes, I know, I'll get to it myself one of these days. But to my credit, at least I *am* learning foreign languages, even utterly useless ones like German.

25. I don't do boredom, sleeping in, video games, television, meat, milkshakes, fried food, math, or much swimming.
Enough for today, more tomorrow!
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