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Monday, December 03, 2007


It's been awhile since I have sent keystrokes in this direction. I feel a nagging sense of guilt plaguing me (or else it's a hangnail). Perhaps the winter has made me completely apathetic, who knows. I somehow like imaginging I'm cold blooded, that the weather is to blaim for being sluggish. I should try sleeping.

ich weiß der Anfang Anzufangen ist hart,
denn manchmal kommt man nicht an Start.
Beziehungsweise einfach nicht in fahrt,
aber wenn nicht jetzt wann denn dann?
Beweg dein Arsch!
Jedem Menschen fällt das Anfangen schwer.
Jeder schiebt die Scheiße vor sich her.
Ich hab ein ganzen Semester zum Lernen Zeit,
doch fühl mich erst in der letzten Woche dazu bereit.
Zu viele Verwandte von mir verdienen einen Brief,
aber irgendwie schaff ich das mit dem Schreiben nie.
Und ich schwöre man,
ich habe es nicht verplant
und der Anfang Anzufangen ist so hart!
ich weiß der Anfang Anzufangen ist hart,
denn manchmal kommt man nicht an Start.
Beziehungsweise einfach nicht in fahrt,
aber wenn nicht jetzt wann denn dann?
Beweg dein Arsch!
--anfang anzufangen, SDP

I am on a quest. I am searching for the holy grail, it's called a thesis and I don't really have one. If I can take Indy with me I'll be happy (before he got old). I've got the Germans down. But my thesis is like a yawning hole where I throw much of my spare time, a fair amount of waning enthusiasm, and a lot of footnotes. Perhaps that's why my toilet keeps backing up. But I have cleared the first hurdle, am entering hell, and should emerge from the shadow of the valley of death next april, when I defend the bastard. I wonder if I can count watching Blood Diamond as research. T.I.A. = holy shit.

In other news, the cooles thing ever happens to be a webcam surveilling the christmarket in Freiburg, which I can steer from my personal desktop computer way the hell far away for as long as it amuses me. Try it : . It's like youtube, except less inane and less likely to distract me from More Important Things for quite as long (see above).

This might be the year I learn to ski. I'm not optomistic, but it could happen. I have tentative plans to go cross skiing or snowshoeing or something (*freu freu freu*) so maybe I won't hate winter like the chilly little bastard it is. I hate winter more than I hate the black death. Granted, I've never had bubonic plague before, but I have had winter and don't want it again. No, don't even bother saying it, I know I live in the wrong state. Country.

My notes in history last week featured an East German Cow-Sheep and a Multifunktionstisch. If that doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't to me either, but go watch Sonnenallee. Mostly it means that I am eagerly awaiting the end of this semester, and with it the need to know the properties of Jovian planets, the difference between Australopithecus africanus and Australopithecus afarensis (hint: the former is sometimes called "Lucy"). I might even sleep in.

I haven't gotten around to looking forward to christmas yet. I am still at the stage of getting pissed off at christmas music which follows me around like toilet paper on your shoe (second toilet reference today! I am on a roll! pun intended). I will bake cookies and foist them off on my friends. I will probably not decorate my house, and if I am a good person I will send off christmas cards.

Hm. I need standards. And sleep. And coffee. More coffee.

UPDATE: Lucy is actually Astralopithecus afarensis. Go figure, I even got that one wrong.

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