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Wednesday, December 19, 2007


If you have any kind of accusations to level against your significant other, any problems you need to discuss in hair-curling detail and shrill volume, there are two possible venues: Jerry Springer and over sushi.

Sushi is fabulous food, even for someone who doesn't eat fish. It comes in delectable little bites which are just sufficiently large enough to jam your jaws for the time it takes you to chew and swallow, allowing the other person to get several shots in before you can respond.

As an added bonus, sushi is often consumed accompanied by wasabi. If you say something particularly outrageous, such as letting slip that you are sleeping with your girlfriend's sister AND her best friend (preferably repeatedly), the normal spluttering fury turns into choking fury as the wasabi assaults.

So, next time you have a bombshell of this magnitude, let it fly over sushi.

UPDATE: turns out I already posted on the subject of sushi. Go figure.

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