I tell most people I hate winter. I guess I have a hard time being happy about replacing running with shoveling, and it would be nice if my feet were dry more than half an hour at a time. Still, winter is beautiful, and I spend so much time hiding from it I probably miss its more beautiful aspects. They say there's no such thing as bad weather, just insufficient clothing. If I'm properly dressed, I don't mind the cold and actually enjoy it. Standing on the bridge watching the stream gently carve out the snow and ice, finding its way despite being mostly frozen over reminded me just how beautiful winter can be.

There are many positive sides to winter, unrelated to skiing or snowboarding, which I often under appreciate. The humor in counting the number of people who slip and fall down the stairs at the library, for instance, should not be underestimated. Nor should the value of the random conversations you have with all the other poor unfortunates who have to take the bus like you do. Ogling car wrecks is also fun and entertaining (hint: the best stretch is 285 by South Park), and pelting people with snowballs can be very amusing. If you're detecting a hint of Schadenfreude, you're right--I think they call it "misery loves company".

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