- get an internship somewhere cool (looking less likely, but still possible)
- go to Spain. I was way too busy the last time to enjoy much. I'd love to go to Valencia, Sevilla and Grenada, Biarritz and San Sebastian. The latter because of an Isabell Allende book.

- Morocco-- cheap flights from Basel to Marrakech, €100 round trip
- bike tour, if I had my preference it'd be through the loire valley in France. Denmark or Holland could be fun too. Belgium would be great as well. But I'm good for anything, and would love to go for a week or so at a time

- backpacking in switzerland. Either hut to hut or with tents and all that jazz. I have the boots and the pack....
- a sailing trip. If my "family" is even going.

- Baltics: Riga, Talinn, perhaps back via Warsaw and Krakow. I don't remember if I still know people there or not...
- go to Austria. I was only in Vienna once, for four days, and that was three years ago.
- Paris. For the third time. I'd also like to see the Pyranees and the Dordogne. Andorra would be awesome too.
- Greece. It's far, I know, but it would be worth it.

I think I can manage some multi-day trips, perhaps a combo bike and rail trip around France or somewhere. Need to check up on me little bike and me little bank account to see how much of this is possible. But if I go places where I can get there and back for about €100 or less, sleep with friends, in tents, or otherwise on the cheap, it should be possible to do a couple of these.
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